Israeli Opposition Leader Urges Netanyahu To Step Down Amid Pending Corruption Trial

Benjamin Netanyahu

JERUSALEM, Feb 19 (NNN-MA’AN) – Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu’s main rival, Benny Gantz, said, Netanyahu cannot carry out his state duties after his corruption trial opens in Mar, and needs to be replaced.

Gantz, leader of the centrist Blue and White party, made the remark, during a campaign rally in the city of Rehovot, south of Tel Aviv, ahead of Israel’s Mar 2 elections, a vote widely perceived as a personnel referendum on Netanyahu.

“On Mar 17, the trial begins and his (Netanyahu’s) mandate is over,” Gantz said, Netanyahu will be unable to fully focus on state-related matters during the trial.

“Netanyahu will only deal with himself. He will not be able to care for the citizens of Israel,” Gantz accused.

The decision on the date of the trial had been stalled, since Netanyahu was indicted on Jan 28.

Israel’s longest-serving prime minister is indicted with three separate cases of corruption, including bribery, fraud, and breach of trust.

Netanyahu, 70, is struggling for his political survival, with polls predicting a tight race between his right-wing Likud party and his main rival, Gantz’s Blue and White.

He is the first incumbent prime minister, who is indicted, in the history of Israel.