US offers no evidence of Russia’s violating INF, breaching treaty itself - Putin

MOSCOW, October 24./TASS/. The US has not offered evidence of Russia’s violations of the INF treaty, but has already violated the treaty itself, President Vladimir Putin told a news conference after talks with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Wednesday.

"What is a formal pretext for a possible withdrawal of our partners from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty? Accusing us of its violation. However, no evidence is offered as usual. Meanwhile, the US has already violated it," by deploying in Romania the Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System, Putin said.

He also pointed out that the use of UCAVs by the US also comes in violation of the treaty, as "in essence they are no different from short-and medium-range missiles". "The ‘stop thief’ principle does not work here. We closely analyze all that is going on in real life. But we are ready to work with our American partners without going into hysterics," the Russian president said.

He expressed hope that he would be able to discuss these issues with US President Donald Trump "even if briefly, on the sidelines of Paris meetings on November 11".