Libyan National Army lauds Russian-Turkish ceasefire initiative — media

Ahmad al-Mismari, spokesman of the east-based Libyan National Army

CAIRO, January 9. /TASS/: The Libyan National Army (LNA) led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar has endorsed the Russian-Turkish initiative to establish a ceasefire, Libyan Armed Forces spokesperson Ahmed Mismari said, the Al-Arabiya TV channel reports.

"The commanders of the armed forces welcome the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin aimed at establishing peace in Libya, which also represents the army's goal and task," Mismari said. "However, the armed forces will continue fighting against terrorist groups designated as such by UN Security Council resolutions," he added.

"It is impossible to establish a civil society and achieve stability, security and democracy without destroying the terrorists," he noted. "Extremists have captured the country's capital, they receive support from several countries and governments which send them weapons, ammunition and militants for countering the army," Mismari said.

Following a meeting in Istanbul, Russian and Turkish Presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on all parties in the Libyan conflict to put a hold on all hostilities and introduce a ceasefire starting at midnight on January 12.