Lieberman says right-wing bloc in Israel dissolved

Avigdor Lieberman

02 Jan 2019; MEMO: Israel’s former Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Wednesday that the right-wing bloc led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been dissolved, Quds Press has reported.

Speaking to Israeli General Radio, the leader of Yisrael Beiteinu said that he had information from the Haredi parties that the bloc no longer exists. Furthermore, Lieberman said, there will be “a lot of surprises” during the next two months.

He ruled out the possibility that the results of the March General Election will be a similar stalemate as the two held in 2019. Opinion polls which predict this “are not accurate,” he claimed.

“There will be many incidents and there will be a short and very intense and emotional campaign,” he explained. “It is impossible to predict the results now.”