Malaysia’s Education Minister resigns

 Dr Maszlee Malik

PUTRAJAYA, Jan 2 (NNN-BERNAMA) — Malaysia’s Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik today announced that he is stepping down from his post effective Friday, January 3.

In a 4.30pm press conference at his office, that was broadcast live by Bernama TV, he said he had met up with Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad earlier today.

During the press conference, Dr Maszlee spoke in details some of the achievements made in the last one year by the ministry during his tenure.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mahathir, who confirmed that he had accepted Dr Maszlee’s resignation, said he will name the new Education Minister soon.

Maszlee, 45, who is Member Parliament of Simpang Renggam, had earlier this morning spent his time visiting schools in the city which had reopened to begin this year’s school session.