Egypt: Calls to sue officials responsible for death of female prisoner

Egyptian women prisoners

24 Dec 2019; MEMO: Women Against the Coup has strongly condemned the “intentional killing” of the female prisoner in Egyptian jails Maryam Salem, who passed away in detention on Sunday, Arabi21 reported.

In a statement the women’s movement said that Salem “passed away in one of the cells of Qanater Prison for women on Sunday due to intentional medical negligence.”

The statement said that her death came as a result of a “series of systematic torture of the female prisoners”.

“Despite her suffering of severe hepatic fibrosis and the deterioration of her health, the prison administration insisted not to move her to hospital for treatment,” the statement said, stressing “that was an attempt to murder her in a savage way.”

The statement added that female prisoner Hiba Najm, “who started suffered from cancer inside prison”, was released just days before she died.