U.S. Soldier Killed During Clashes In Afghanistan

US Troops

KABUL, Dec 23 (NNN-AGENCIES) – One U.S. soldier of the NATO-led Resolute Support mission (RS) was killed, during clashes in Afghanistan early today (Monday), and the Taliban militants claimed responsibility.

“A U.S. service member was killed in action today, in Afghanistan,” the coalition said, in a brief statement.

The statement did not provide details, only saying, “In accordance with U.S. Department of Defence policy, the name of the service member killed in action is being withheld for 24 hours, after notification of next of kin.”

In the meantime, Zabiullah Mujahid, a purported Taliban spokesman, claimed that the insurgents’ fighter, launched an improvised explosive device (IED) against a joint Afghan-coalition patrol in Chahar Dara district of northern Kunduz province.

“Combined American invaders and their hirelings that tried to raid Haji Safarbai area of Chahr Dara district, Kunduz, was targeted with IED, resulting in one invader killed and another invader along with hireling commando, severely wounded before the rest fled,” Mujahid wrote on Twitter.