US Congress rejects White House request of $175m to support ‘deal of the century’

Donald Trump

18 Dec 2019; MEMO: US Congress has rejected an official request from the White House of $175 million, aimed to support President Donald Trump’s ‘deal of the century,’ Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Tuesday.

The requested money was part of the US 2020 budget, according to Haaretz, reported by a congressional source, disclosing that the rejection was not motivated by politics, but rather by budgetary considerations.

“One argument against it was, ‘No one thinks this peace plan is coming out any time soon, so why devote money to it?’” announced the source, whom Haaretz revealed was involved in the negotiations regarding the budget decision.

The request was rejected, Haaretz affirmed, despite the White House’s insistence that the funds could be used for aiding the Palestinians, after almost all US assistance was cut.

It is worth noting that the announcement of the ‘deal of the century’, which was laid down by Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, was postponed for the third time.

The delay was attributed to the political instability in Israel, as the occupation state is heading its third elections in a period of less than 12 months.

Meanwhile, defying Trump’s administration, Congress agreed on $150 million in aid for the Palestinians.

Haaretz reported on Wednesday that the assistance includes $75 million for the Palestinian Authority’s security forces, and another $75 million to support civilian and humanitarian programmes.