Egyptian president calls for joint efforts to fight terrorism

Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi

SHARM EL SHEIKH, Egypt, Dec. 15 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi on Sunday called on the international community to make joint efforts to fight against terrorism.

He made the remarks at the 3rd World Youth Forum opened on Saturday in Egypt's Red Sea resort city of Sharm El Sheikh.

Speaking at a session discussing challenges facing international peace and security, the president said terror groups could harm a big country as one or two terrorist operations would destroy tourism.

He stressed that fight against terrorism requires international efforts and cooperation, even if some countries are not directly affected by terrorism.

The president also underlined that a united and decisive stance must be taken against countries that support and use terrorism to achieve their goals.

"If a decisive stance is not taken against these countries, terrorism will increase in the region and in Africa, and the whole world will be harmed and suffering," he said.

Terrorism prevailed in Egypt since the military ousted former President Mohamed Morsi in early July 2013 in response to mass protests against his 12-month rule and his currently outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group.

Terror attacks killed hundreds of policemen and soldiers in North Sinai province, and they gradually extended to other provinces, where dozens of civilians, mainly Christians, were killed. Most of the attacks were claimed by Sinai State group, based in Egypt's North Sinai province.

At the session, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Ahmed Aboul-Gheit said nuclear arms race, the spread of rumors, the arming of artificial intelligence and climate change were among issues threatening peace and security.

Aboul-Gheit warned against the spread of rumors and misinformation on the social media, stressing the need to "counter active campaigns harmful to the Middle East."

The World Youth Forum was inaugurated in 2017. This year, the four-day event, which gathers thousands of young people from over 100 countries, will tackle topics such as industrial revolution, food security, environmental challenges and artificial intelligence.