US asks Israel to monitor China investments

30 Oct 2019; MEMO: Israel’s Cabinet yesterday discussed the possibility of establishing a consultative body to monitor Chinese investment in the country, local media reported.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the Israeli security cabinet the meeting came in response to a US request, no details were issues as to whether to body would be setup.

Though the meeting discussed monitoring all foreign investments, the Jerusalem Post said this was a “euphemism for monitoring Chinese investments in key Israeli infrastructure projects.”

This, other media outlets reported, was part of the US’  trade war with China.

The Jerusalem Post said: “Discussions on this matter have been going on now for nearly three years, with Israel caught between its allegiance to the US… and China, which is a huge market for Israel and is very keen on expanding its business ties with the Jewish state.”

This, the paper continued, “has emerged as one of the few points of friction between Jerusalem and Washington under US President Donald Trump.”

If this body is created, Arab48 reported, it would be the only commission entitled to issue new licenses to high-tech firms which plan to invest in Israel.