Man stabbed at UK Home Office in London

Injured man at home office in London

15 August 2019; DW: British police have reported an apparent knife attack near the Home Office in London. Security forces have cordoned off the area, local media said. The incident follows the launch of an anti knife-crime campaign.

A man sustained knife injuries and another one was arrested near the British Home Office building on Thursday, London police said. A Reuters photographer saw a man with facial injuries being led from the buidling.

Police initially said the injuries were "treated as life-threatening," but later clarified the victim's life was not in danger.

"One man (no further details) has been arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm and taken to a police station." 

The London site serves as the headquarters for the UK Interior Ministry.

There was no indication that the incident was related to terrorism, authorites said. A police spokeswoman said it was too early to say if the apparent attack was linked to the Home Office.

Police said that enquiries were "ongoing."

Armed police forces have cordoned off the area, according to local media reports. The building was placed on lockdown after the incident.

Home Secretary Priti Patel described the attack as "horrific" and "unprovoked" on Twitter.

The apparent knife attack comes only a day after the UK launched a controversial campaign to curb knife crime.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledged to tackle the "scourge" of knife crime during a live conference on Facebook on Wednesday.