Shelling of Russian reporters highlights Kiev regime’s terror logic — Foreign Ministry

Maria Zakharova

MOSCOW, November 2. /TASS/: The Ukrainian shelling attack on Donetsk, which affected journalists from TASS, Izvestia and the Zvezda TV channel, provides direct evidence of the Kiev regime’s terrorist logic, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing.

"The day before yesterday, as a result of Ukrainian militants shelling civilian infrastructure facilities, three Izvestia employees at once sustained serious wounds and the TASS and Zvezda TV reporters who also found themselves under fire miraculously avoided getting hurt. They arrived on the scene to cover the aftermath of strikes on a railway station and found themselves under a new shelling attack," the diplomat said.

"That is, the Ukrainian military purposefully took a pause and waited it out until they could have guaranteed casualties [from their second strike] from among the first responders, medics and journalists who arrived on the scene to deal with the aftermath of the first strike. Who does such things? Do these actions really represent military operations conducted by a regular army? This is how terrorists operate; this is their logic," she stressed.

The diplomat pointed out that Moscow is demanding that relevant international structures fulfill their obligations and condemn the violent murders of Russian journalists, such as Darya Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky.