Putin points to high interest of Russian business in Africa

Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and Vladimir Putin

NOVO-OGAREVO, November 2. /TASS/: Russian business shows interest in working in Africa in general and in Equatorial Guinea in particular, President Vladimir Putin said at expanded format talks with Equatorial Guinea’s President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo.

"As for your country, we have just noted in our one-on-one conversation that we have a lot to work on. First of all, of course, we need to focus on developing trade and economic ties," the Russian leader said. "The interest of Russian companies in activity in Africa in general and in your country in particular is serious. Potential investment opportunities are great, while your country's possibilities in developing these relations are also good, I mean above all the potentials in mining operations," he specified.

Putin emphasized that Russia was happy to welcome the heavyweight delegation accompanying his counterpart on the visit to Moscow. "We have now talked with Mr. President face to face for almost an hour, discussing our bilateral relations and regional agenda. We have many overlapping mutual interests. Russia's relations with Africa are developing very effectively. The results of the Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg this past summer testify to this," the Russian president added.

Putin also said that he had discussed with the Equatorial Guinea’s president ways to ensure security and relations with the countries of the region. "We agreed on what and how we will do further on that front," he said.