Human Rights

Israel demolishes three Palestinian business structures in occupied East Jerusalem

28 Feb 2022; MEMO: Israeli municipal authorities ordered the demolition of a Palestinian grocery store, bakery and carwash in the occupied East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Jabal Al-Mukabbir.

According to Wafa news agency the commercial buildings were targeted because occupation forces say they were built without the necessary permits.

Palestinian and Israeli rights groups say the Israeli demolition policy aims to limit the presence of Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem.

Palestine: PA protests against French PM's remarks on Jerusalem

01 March 2022; MEMO:The Palestinian Authority (PA)'s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates summoned the French Consul General in Jerusalem, Rene Trokaz, to protest against French Prime Minister Jean Castex's remarks on Jerusalem.

In a statement, the ministry said that its Undersecretary Amal Jadu expressed "discontent" of the PA leadership over Castex's remarks in which he described Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel.

China issues report on U.S. human rights violations

BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- China's State Council Information Office on Monday issued the Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2021.

The report said the human rights situation in the United States, which has notorious records, worsened in 2021. Its political manipulation led to a sharp surge in COVID-19 deaths while shooting deaths in the country hit a new record.

Fake democracy trampled on people's political rights and violent law enforcement made life harder for migrants and refugees in the United States, it said.

India: Dalit activist beaten up, forced to drink urine in MP

Gwalior, Feb 28 (PTI) A 33-year-old Dalit Right to Information (RTI) activist was allegedly beaten up and forced to drink urine by seven people after he sought information related to a village panchayat in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior district, police said on Monday.

After initial treatment in a hospital here, the severely injured victim, Shashikant Jatav, was shifted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi, for further treatment, an official said.

Red Crescent condemns Israeli attacks on its crew

25 Feb 2022; MEMO: The Palestinian Red Crescent Society, yesterday, slammed the Israeli forces for targeting its medical staff, adding that their attacks were becoming "common, specifically in Nablus' southern town of Beita."

The Movement said in a statement that the occupation had "fired live bullets, rubber-coated metal bullets, and tear gas canisters at Palestinian protesters in Beita," adding that the violence had left about "100 casualties."

Israel detains thousands in solitary confinement despite health risks

24 Feb 2022; MEMO: Thousands of detainees are forced into isolation for years, including minors, by the Israel Prison Service (IPS), according to the NGO Physicians for Human Rights.

Figures published by the prison service reveal 1,587 inmates had been held in complete solitary confinement in the first ten months of 2021, including 66 minors.

By the end of August of the same year, another 1,134 prisoners, among whom 53 were minors, were held in "individual seclusion" or "two-person seclusion".

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