
Pakistan: No decision yet on airspace closure to India

Islamabad, Aug 29 (PTI) Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said that no decision has been taken yet to close the airspace to India, underlining that any such step would be taken after looking into each and every aspect of the move through consultation.

Qureshi dismissed as speculative reports suggesting that the airspace was being shut for India, the Dawn reported.

Pakistan will go to its last limit for IOK ‘s struggle: Usman

ISLAMABAD, Aug 28 (APP): Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Youth Affairs Usman Dar on Wednesday while strongly condemning the India’ s atrocities in Indian Occupied0 Kashmir(IOK), said Pakistan will go to its last limit for resolving the decade-old dispute.

Talking to a private news channel he said Pakistan is determined to expose Indian policies over Kashmir on international fora. India has turned the Kashmir valley into a military garrison and even Indian politicians are not allowed to visit the valley.

3 fights erupted between IOK police, Indian soldiers since Aug 5

ISLAMABAD, Aug 27 (APP): The US-based news agency, the Associated Press, citing officers of Kashmir police has said that at least three incidents of fights between personnel of Kashmir police and Indian soldiers have taken place since India revoked Kashmir’s special status, leading to injuries on both sides, in Indian occupied Kashmir.

Modi’s historical blunder to pave way for IOJ&K freedom: PM

ISLAMABAD, Aug 26 (APP): Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday, reiterating Pakistan’s complete support to eight million Kashmiris in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) for their indigenous struggle for their fundamental rights and self-determination, observed that Modi had committed a huge and historical blunder, providing a historic opportunity for Kashmiris to get freedom from the illegal Indian occupation.

Fawad warns India of befitting response if war imposed

LAHORE, Aug 25 (APP): Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry on Sunday said that war was never an option, but Pakistan was ready to retaliate in a befitting manner if India would go for any misadventure or impose a war on the country.

Addressing a press conference after his visit to Child Protection and Welfare Bureau (CP&WB) here, he said Pakistan had made all-out efforts to normalise relations with India, but it had not been reciprocated.

Pakistan will fight case of Kashmiris on global fora: Sheikh Rashid

MIRPUR (AJK): Aug 25 (APP): Federal Minister for Railways Sheikh Rashid Ahmad said that Pakistan will fight the case of the people of Jammu and Kashmir on all forums the world. “The entire world has moved to raise voice against the Indian atrocities in the disputed Indian Occupied State”, he said during a meeting with Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Sardar Masood Khan in AJK’s metropolis on Sunday.

Kartarpur corridor perfect example of inter-religious harmony in world: Firdous

ISLAMABAD, Aug 25 (APP): Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan Sunday expressed that Kartarpur corridor was a perfect example of inter-faith harmony as its completion would further promote peaceful co-existence of people from various beliefs and civilizations.   
Dr Firdous, in a tweet, said the devotees belonging to Sikh community from India and other parts of the world could perform their religious rituals freely in Pakistan after completion of this project.

PM to raise Kashmir plight at UNGA next month: Sarwar

RAWALPINDI, Aug 24 (APP): Minister for Aviation, Ghulam Sarwar Khan Saturday said Prime Minister Imran Khan would effectively highlight prevailing situation in Kashmir at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to grab attention of the international community to pressurize India stop its genocide in the Held Kashmir.

No amount of brutality can suppress Kashmiris’ resentment against India: President

ISLAMABAD, Aug 24 (APP): President Dr Arif Alvi Saturday said that no amount of oppression and brutality could suppress the resentment of Kashmiri people against India who wanted freedom at all costs.

“This is Srinagar yesterday despite curfews, bans, blackouts, teargas & firing,” the president said on twitter in his comments on a video showing thousands of Kashmir people including men, women and children taken to streets on Friday against the Indian oppression.

Qureshi urges UN secretary general to immediately intervene over grave situation in IoJ&K

ISLAMABAD, Aug 24 (APP): Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi Saturday urged UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to immediately intervene, and play his role for safety and security of the people of in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoJ&K), who had been bracing relentless siege of the Indian occupation forces for the last 20 days.

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