
U.S. says Russia oil price cap will not be aimed at OPEC

LONDON, Oct 19 (Reuters) - New steps from Group of Seven countries to cap Russian oil sales at an enforced low price will not be replicated against OPEC producers, whose plans to cut output have irked consumer countries, a United States Treasury official told Reuters.

Washington has communicated to representatives of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to reassure them of those limits to its plans and has maintained from the beginning that the cap would not target other oil producers, the official added.

UK inflation accelerates to 40-year high as food prices rise

LONDON (AP) — British food prices rose at the fastest pace since 1980 last month, driving inflation back to a 40-year high and heaping pressure on the embattled government to balance the books without gutting help for the nation’s poorest residents.

Food prices jumped 14.6% in the year through September, led by the soaring cost of staples such as meat, bread, milk and eggs, the Office for National Statistics said Wednesday. That pushed consumer price inflation back to 10.1%, the highest since early 1982 and equal to the level last reached in July.

Minister departs UK govt in new blow to embattled Liz Truss

LONDON (AP) — British Prime Minister Liz Truss described herself as “a fighter and not a quitter” Wednesday as she faced down a hostile opposition and fury from her own Conservative Party over her botched economic plan.

Yet the grim faces of Conservative lawmakers behind her in the House of Commons suggested that Truss faces an uphill struggle to save her job. Within hours of Truss’ appearance at the weekly Prime Minister’s Questions session, a senior member of her government left her post with a fusillade of criticism.

UK: Liz Truss’ waning power brings political plots, and jokes

LONDON (AP) — Powerless, humiliated, labeled a “ghost” prime minister and compared unfavorably to a head of lettuce — this is not a good week for Liz Truss.

Britain’s prime minister was scrambling to recover her grasp on power Tuesday after her economic plans were ripped up and repudiated by a Treasury chief whom she was forced to appoint to avoid meltdown on the financial markets.

Truss remains in office, for now, largely because her Conservative Party is divided over how to replace her.

Russia faces internal turmoil, says former diplomat who resigned over war

LONDON, Oct 17 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine has set Russia on a path towards turmoil that could unseat the Kremlin chief, trigger civil war or even ultimately break the country apart, said a Russian diplomat who resigned over the war.

Boris Bondarev, a counsellor at Russia's permanent mission to the United Nations in Geneva, resigned in May because he felt the war had shown how repressive and warped his homeland had become.

UK's Truss misses parliamentary question on Kwarteng sacking

LONDON, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Liz Truss did not appear in parliament on Monday to answer a question about why the former finance minister Kwasi Kwarteng was sacked last week, drawing accusations from the opposition Labour Party that she was "scared of her own shadow".

Such was the taunting from opposition parties that at one point Penny Mordaunt, the leader of the House of Commons standing in for Truss, insisted that: "The prime minister is not under a desk."

Mordaunt said the reason for the PM's absence was "very genuine" but she did not elaborate.

Lawmakers will try to oust UK PM Truss this week, Daily Mail reports

Oct 16 (Reuters) - British lawmakers will try to oust Prime Minister Liz Truss this week despite Downing Street's warning that it could trigger a general election, the Daily Mail reported.

More than 100 members of parliament (MPs) belonging to the governing Conservative Party are ready to submit letters of no confidence in Truss to Graham Brady, the head of the Conservative Party's committee which organises the leadership contest, the tabloid reported, quoting unnamed sources.

UK leader in peril after Treasury chief axes ‘Trussonomics’

LONDON (AP) — The U.K.’s new Treasury chief ripped up the government’s economic plan on Monday, dramatically reversing most of the tax cuts and spending plans that new Prime Minister Liz Truss announced less than a month ago. The move raises more questions about how long the beleaguered British leader can stay in office.

In a televised address, Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt said he was scrapping “almost all” of Truss’ tax cuts, along with her flagship energy policy and her promise — repeated just last week — that there will be no public spending cuts.

Goldman Sachs sees deeper UK recession after tax U-turn, Bloomberg reports

Oct 16 (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs analysts have downgraded Britain's economic outlook after Prime Minister Liz Truss removed Kwasi Kwarteng as chancellor and reversed a freeze in corporation tax, Bloomberg News reported on Sunday.

"Folding in weaker growth momentum, significantly tighter financial conditions, and the higher corporation tax from next April, we downgrade our UK growth outlook further and now expect a more significant recession," Bloomberg cited the investment bank's report as saying.

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