
Oil slides as uncertainty returns about U.S.-China trade deal

LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices fell on Friday, weighed down by lingering uncertainty about how close the United States and China were to a trade deal and on rising U.S. crude inventories.

Benchmark Brent crude was down 92 cents at $61.37 a barrel by 1046 GMT, after dropping more than $1 earlier in the session. Brent is on track to end the week 0.5% lower.

U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude was down 87 cents at $56.28 a barrel.

Residents told to leave homes as downpours bring floods across northern England

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain issued more than 100 flood warnings on Friday, with residents in parts of northern England advised to evacuate their homes amid concern that lives were in danger, after deluges brought a month’s rainfall in less than 24 hours.

Dozens were trapped in a shopping center in the city of Sheffield overnight after becoming stranded and about 100 others were rescued from another mall nearby by firefighters in inflatable dinghies.

U.S.-China trade war keeps markets on their toes

LONDON (Reuters) - Uncertainty about the fate of the trade negotiations between the United States and China kept markets on their toes on Friday, with European stocks benchmarks mimicking their Asian peers and retreating from the previous session’s highs.

Overnight on Wall Street, the Dow and S&P 500 reached record closing highs on hopes of a truce to end the damaging tariff war but a Reuters report that the White House opposed aspects of a tentative deal limited the day’s gains.

Britain to face challenges in post-Brexit trade talks: experts

LONDON, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- Britain might face huge challenges in external trade talks even if it could take control of the trade policy after Brexit, experts warned at the second UK Trade Policy Observatory (UKTPO) conference in London Wednesday.

The UKTPO is a partnership between the University of Sussex and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, commonly known as Chatham House.

UK leader compares rival to Stalin at start of election

LONDON (AP) — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has compared his main rival to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin as he prepares to officially launch the governing Conservative Party’s campaign for the Dec. 12 election.

Johnson, writing in the Daily Telegraph, says Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party would “raise taxes so wantonly” that it would destroy Britain’s prosperity.

He says Labour leaders are attacking the rich “with a relish and vindictiveness not seen since Stalin persecuted the kulaks,” the wealthier peasants who were targeted by the Soviet regime in the 1930s.

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage will not run in UK election

LONDON (Reuters) - Nigel Farage, the leader of Britain’s Brexit Party, said he would not stand in the next month’s election, choosing instead to campaign countywide against Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s EU divorce deal.

“I have thought very hard about this: How do I serve the cause of Brexit best?” he told the BBC’s Andrew Marr on Sunday.

“Do I find a seat and try to get myself into parliament or do I serve the cause better traversing the length and breadth of the United Kingdom supporting 600 candidates, and I’ve decided the latter course is the right one.”

UK’s Boris Johnson apologizes for missing Brexit deadline

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s election campaign heated up Sunday even before it officially started, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson saying he would apologize to Conservatives for failing to take the U.K. out of the European Union by Oct. 31 and Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage saying he won’t personally run for a seat in Parliament.

Johnson’s promise to have Britain leave the bloc by Oct. 31 had been his central platform in the party leadership competition that brought him to power in July.

In election pitch, UK PM Johnson backs his deal over no-deal Brexit

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has put his Brexit withdrawal deal at the centre of his election campaign, rejecting an electoral pact with the Brexit Party that would mean he would have to embrace leaving the European Union without a deal.

Johnson had previously pledged to take Britain out of the European Union with or without a deal on Oct. 31, before lawmakers voted to force him to seek an extension until Jan. 31.

UK defends Brexit deal after Trump trade warning

1 November 2019; AFP: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's office has defended his Brexit deal with the EU, after US President Donald Trump warned it would make it impossible for the two nations to strike a future trade agreement.

The president, whose impeachment in the US has moved a stage closer following a key vote in Congress, waded into the British election campaign on Thursday to criticise Johnson's divorce terms with the European bloc.

Healthcare may trump Brexit in battle for British vote

LONDON (Reuters) - As Britain’s “Brexit election” campaign swings into action, it may not be the country’s exit from the European Union which takes centre stage but another national obsession - the health service.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has cast the Dec. 12 election as necessary to break the deadlock in parliament over Brexit, telling voters that only by returning his Conservatives with a majority can the country finally quit the European Union.

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