Egypt: birth rate declines by 30% since 2015

02 August 2022; MEMO: The birth rate in Egypt has fallen by 30 per cent since 2015, the health ministry in Cairo announced yesterday.

"On the occasion of the National Population Day, the government can announce that it has reduced the country's birth rate from 30.2 births per 1,000 people in 2015 to 21.2 in 2021," said ministry spokesperson Hossam Abdel Ghaffar.

The official pointed out that there is an "interactive relationship" between the population level and the country's development. "Population growth, characteristics and distribution are among the main factors that affect negatively Egypt's sustainable development rates and opportunities to improve the quality of life for citizens."

He noted that the government's "ability to develop a comprehensive healthcare system for all citizens requires reducing population growth rates." The latter will also help to achieve the government's sustainable development goals, and ensuring that all citizens enjoy national public healthcare.

Egypt's population as of 31 July stands at 106,335,063 people according to the state-run Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics.