Amnesty singles out UK for strong criticism on human rights concerns UK can't credibly champion human rights internationally if it's busy undermining and unravelling them at home."

Tunisia parliament

29 March 2022; MEMO: Tunisia's suspended parliament said it will convene on Wednesday to "abolish" exceptional measures taken by the country's President, Kais Saied, Anadolu News Agency reports.

In a statement on Monday, the assembly said it will hold another session on Saturday to discuss the financial, economic and social conditions in the North African nation.

Ennahda lawmaker, Maher Medhioub, earlier told Anadolu Agency that the parliament will hold a session by video conference on Monday to set a plan for the parliament's work in the coming period.

There was no comment from the Tunisian Presidency on the report.

Tunisia has been in the throes of a deep political crisis since 25 July, 2021 when Saied dismissed the government, suspended parliament and assumed executive authority, in a move decried by opponents as a "military coup".

Tunisia has been seen as the only country that succeeded in carrying out a democratic transition among Arab countries which witnessed popular revolutions toppling ruling regimes, including Egypt, Libya and Yemen.