Tunisia: Ennahda calls for early general elections

 Tunisia's Ennahda party flag

29 Nov 2021; MEMO: Tunisia's Ennahda movement on Friday called for holding "early" general election along with "serious" national dialogue on the electoral law and the Constitutional Court.

The movement said in a statement after a meeting of its executive office that "President of the Republic, Kais Saied, has clearly demonstrated his inability to provide solutions to the country's issues, despite gathering all the authorities in his own hands, and persisting in his speeches of division, accusation and threat."

"President Saied is unable to manage the country's affairs and has reneged on his promises."

It called for "going for quiet national dialogue on a number of major files, including the electoral law and the Constitutional Court, and for holding early general elections."

Also it called for "the need to respect the constitution instead of suspending it, in addition to restoring the legislative authority (Parliament) to its full legislative and oversight role."

Saied has held nearly total power since 25 July when he sacked the prime minister, suspended parliament and assumed executive authority citing a national emergency.

He appointed a prime minister on 29 September and a government has since been formed.

The majority of the country's political parties slammed the move as a "coup against the constitution" and the achievements of the 2011 revolution. Critics say Saied's decisions have strengthened the powers of the presidency at the expense of parliament and the government, and that he aims to transform the country's government into a presidential system.