Tunisia questions armed forces' participation in naval exercise with Israel

Kais Saied

24 June 2021; MEMO: Secretary-General of Republican Party Issam Chebbi asked the Tunisian President Kais Saied to clarify details regarding the participation of the country's armed forces in a joint drill in the Black Sea with the Israeli occupation army.

Chebbi addressed the Tunisian president in a Facebook post saying: "Mr. President, involving Tunisia's national army in naval manoeuvres alongside enemy forces calls for an official clarification and denial from Tunisian authorities, as well as an affirmation that the doctrine of our national army and the commitment of the state and its institutions to the provisions of the constitution which prevent it from participating in such manoeuvres."

He added that media sources had reported that the US Sixth Fleet will host a massive naval exercise in the Black Sea in which the Zionist enemy's army will participate alongside Muslim countries, including Turkey, Egypt, the UAE, Morocco and Tunisia.

The Republican Party leader asserted: "I am certain, Mr. President, that you are keen … to ensure the independence of our national decision and distance our military institution from every attempt to engage it into alliances or policies that contradict our national interests and regional commitments."

The military exercise is due to be held on 28 June.

Tunisia does not have official diplomatic relations with Israel and forms part of the Arab League boycott of the occupation state.