
COVID-19 Curve Decreasing In Italy As Death Toll Tops 30,000

ROME, May 9 (NNN-XINHUA) – Italy posted a decrease in COVID-19 intensive care cases and hospitalisations, as the death toll pushed past the 30,000 mark, according to the latest number released by the country’s Civil Protection Department.

The nationwide total of active infections fell by 1,663 cases to 87,961, down from a total of 89,624 infections on Thursday.

Of those who tested positive for the virus, 1,168 are in intensive care (down by 143 patients compared with Thursday’s) and 14,636 are hospitalised with symptoms (down by 538 patients).

COVID-19 curve decreasing in Italy as death toll tops 30,000

ROME, May 8 (Xinhua) -- Italy on Friday posted a decrease in COVID-19 intensive care cases and hospitalizations as the death toll pushed past the 30,000 mark, according to the latest numbers released by the country's Civil Protection Department.

The nationwide total of active infections fell by 1,663 cases to 87,961, down from a total of 89,624 infections on Thursday.

Italy lets millions back to work, US restrictions easing up

ROME (AP) — Italy started stirring Monday, with millions allowed back to work as Europe’s longest coronavirus lockdown started easing, while the U.S. took halting steps to lift some restrictions even as tens of thousands of new cases were reported daily.

In Washington, the Senate convened for the first time since March. The Supreme Court heard arguments by telephone and allowed the world to listen in live — for the first time ever.

Italy begins to emerge from world's longest nationwide lockdown

4 May 2020; AFP: Stir-crazy Italians will be free to stroll and visit relatives for the first time in nine weeks on Monday as Europe's hardest-hit country eases back the world's longest nationwide coronavirus lockdown.

Four million people -- an estimated 72 percent of them men -- will return to their construction sites and factories as the economically and emotionally shattered country tries to get back to work.

Restaurants that have managed to survive Italy's most disastrous crisis in generations will reopen for takeaway service.

Covid-19 Infections Drop In Italy As Lock-Down Draws To A Close

ROME, May 3 (NNN-XINHUA) – As a national lock-down to fight the virus pandemic draws to a close, Italy posted a decrease in new infections, according to the latest numbers released by the Civil Protection Department.

The number of new infections were 1,900 in the last 24 hours, a drop from Friday’s figure, bringing the total number of infections, fatalities, and recoveries to 209,328.

The death toll registered on Saturday was 474, bringing the total to 28,710, since the pandemic first broke out on Feb 21.

Russian, Italian servicemen decontaminate three retirement homes in Brescia

BERGAMO/Italy/, May 3. /TASS/: Russian and Italian servicemen have disinfected three retirement homes in the eastern part of Italy’s Brescia province, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday.

"The Russian Defense Ministry’s military specialists jointly with their Italian colleagues have carried out disinfection events in three medical facilities in the city of Brescia. The decontamination events involved more than 30 servicemen and seven units of special equipment," the ministry said.

Italy PM battles local leaders for defying government order over lockdown

ROME, May 1 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte Fcriticised regional chiefs for defying the government and lifting lockdown measures early, saying it risked undoing efforts to prevent a second Coronavirus wave.

He also rebutted opposition accusations that he was robbing Italians of their constitutional rights.

“Initiatives involving less restrictive measures are contrary to national rules and are therefore to all intents and purposes illegitimate,” Conte told parliament.

Italy's coronavirus cases top 200,000, death toll at 27,359

ROME, April 28 (Xinhua) -- The coronavirus pandemic has claimed 27,359 lives in locked-down Italy, bringing the total number of infections, fatalities and recoveries to 201,505 as of Tuesday, according to the latest data released by the country's Civil Protection Department.

The death toll on Tuesday was 382, bringing the total to 27,359 fatalities since the pandemic first broke out in the northern Lombardy region.

The department reported 2,091 new infections and 2,317 more recoveries compared to Monday, bringing the nationwide totals to 105,205 and 68,941, respectively.

Italy's prime minister defends snail-paced end to lockdown

ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte defended himself on Tuesday from widespread criticism of his highly cautious plans for a slow-placed end to Europe’s longest coronavirus lockdown.

The government has said strict curbs put in place seven weeks ago to curb the disease would be eased from May 4, when parks, factories and construction sites reopen.

However shops must remain shuttered until May 18, while restaurants, bars and hairdressers will stay closed until June 1 and students won’t be back at school before September.

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